The Constitutional Convention and the final results of that meeting have often been described as "the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man." Assess the validity of this statement.

  1. Constitutional Convention of 1787
  1. originally called to simply revise A of C
  2. 55 delegates [RI not present] spent less than 4 months to create Constitution
  3. one of the greatest and most purposeful works ever
  1. Goals of the Convention
  1. preserve the union
  2. protect American democracy from abroad and at home
  3. curb the unrestrained democracy rampant in various states
  1. Constitution
  1. established a govt. with direct authority over all citizen
  2. defined powers of national govt.
  3. established protection for the rights of states and every individual
  1. Parts of the Constitution
  1. Great Compromise
    1. smaller stated conceded to representation by population in the House of Reps
    2. larger states conceded to equal representation in Senate
    3. every bill would originate in House b/c large states have to burden more taxation
  1. Separation of Powers
    1. three branches: legislative, executive, judicial
    2. each independent of the other with specified powers [specific goals]
    3. executive branch

- president à military commander in chief à could veto legislation

  1. Electoral College
    1. elected president
    2. instead of people directly, representatives elected
  1. Supreme Court
    1. dealt with state-to-state/federal issues
    2. justices appointed for life
  1. Checks and Balances
    1. against one branch being too powerful
    2. necessary for govt. to run smoothly
    3. prevented dictatorship/monarchy
  1. 3/5 Compromise
    1. North: argued slaves not counted à not citizens
    2. South: smaller population count lead to Northern dominion
    3. Resolution: slaves would count as 3/5 a person for representation purposes
    4. Slave trade to end in 1808
  1. Commerce Compromise
    1. resolve conflict between agricultural South and industrial North
    2. Congress would tax imports, not exports
    3. increase purchases to/from North
  1. Ratification
  1. not only ideas, but plans for them
  2. government still based on the people
  3. all states eventually ratified the Constitution à appeal to all
  4. later serve as a model for many nations
  5. 200+ years later, still useful/applies

In what way and to what extent was the period from 1781-1787 a "critical period" in early US History?

  1. Articles of Confederation
  1. although important on creation of the union à very weak
  2. would determine if the US would be 1 nation or 13
  3. as a result, years defined as critical period
  4. critical to a large extent à fate of nation
  1. Flaws
  1. no executive branch
    1. no single leader
    2. no one to enforce anything
    3. Congress couldn’t do anything either à limited power
  1. weak Congress
  1. voting
  1. could not regulate commerce
  1. could not enforce tax collection
  1. fear of uprisings
  1. could not protect from Indians
  2. could not solve state-to-state issues
  1. state over nation
  1. Loose Federation
  1. constantly under fear of separating
  2. no power to enforce anything
  3. Constitutional Convention became necessary